Let’s generalise

I would be rich by now if I would get a dollar or euro for everytime I am telling an American I am from the Netherlands and they reply saying:

  • Is your accent from Sweden?
  • I had an uncle in the German army!
  • I visited Norway once and it was gorgeous!
  • What’s life like in Denmark?
  • etc. etc.

These responses made me wonder a bit about geography classes in school here. Then I realised: if an American tells the average Dutchie that they are from Indiana, the reply will be something like “That’s nice, is that city in California, Texas or New York?”.

That made me realise, it’s a common stereotype or generalisation for people from other countries to simplify the United States by focusing on a few well-known states. Texas, New York, and California are indeed large and influential states, each with its own distinct culture and identity.

While the stereotype may be a humorous oversimplification, it’s always valuable to recognise and appreciate the diversity that exists across the entire United States. Encouraging a more nuanced understanding of American culture can help break down stereotypes and foster a more accurate appreciation for the complexity of the nation.

The same applies the other way around, while it’s a generalisation to say that all individuals in the United States are unfamiliar with European countries, it’s true that some people may not be as knowledgeable about the specifics of individual European nations. The level of awareness can vary widely among Americans, and factors such as education, personal interests, and exposure to international news can influence this knowledge.

A little side note: it’s important to avoid making sweeping generalisations about any group of people, as individuals within any population will have varying levels of knowledge and awareness. Encouraging cross-cultural awareness and education can contribute to a more informed and interconnected world. It’s important to note that every country is diverse, both culturally and geographically.

In the meantime I will be documenting these daily cross-cultural encounters on my Instagram account Tulips to Tumbleweeds.

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash

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